Media Language Analysis

 7th October 2021                                                          LO: to analyse a media text using media language

For this image they ave chosen to do a medium long shot, i think they chosen this shot because it shows the gun he is holding in his hun and the holster and he also has black gloves on.Also people will look at this image for longer since there is more detail and more to look at.

He is wearing clothing which is very different compared to his usual suit , he has on a shirt and a jumper and some black trousers.He also has some black gloves and then a very nice watch.

His props are a his gun he is holding in one hand and has a holster which is strapped around his leg.

In this image his face is very serious and like he was concentrating an focusing on something and he doesn't look very happy.

The background for tis image looks like it could have been some concrete spray painted or painted.

diegetic sound- is what you would hear if you were in the scene.

i think that they put gun shots in the trailer to keep the audience interested and to show people that it has violence in it also to show that it is an action film and has a lot going on in it.

In this image you can see that their clothing is to do with the war , they are wearing dark green uniform with hats and green rucksacks.

The props they have in this are green belts hard hats and guns to protect themselves with.

The background of this is smoke and rocks flying behind them from an explosion and there is a bunch of people surrounding the area lying on top of each other.

This persons facial expression is very brave and they look very proud .

This image is a long-shot image this is so that you can see what is around him which are other people and rocks and smoke.

14th October 2021


In this trailer the sounds i can hear are the wind in the background , knifes clashing against each other, you can hear people shouting and also music which comes and goes at certain scenes and you her a roar and explosion. I could also hear people walking when the background went silent  and people fighting.

throughout the dune trailer the music in the background is mostly low pitch and to cause suspense when different scenes changed so did the pitch of the music to make it more dramatic. For example, in the scene where there is a fight going on the tone of the music changes and the volume so it causes tension for the audience to what is going on and to give more effect.


  1. This is an excellent first analysis Tegan! Well done.
    WWW: you've used lots of accurate terminology
    EBI: you try to use the term 'connotes' or 'connotations' as well.

    Please can you take OFF the location on your blog layout!


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