
 04/05/2023                                                          LO:to explore possible tasks and research similar products

create a front cover and a double-page spread article for a health and fitness magazine aimed at an audience primarily of 14-18 years old.


11/05/2023                                                       LO:to research codes and conventions of similar products.

Research: Health and Fitness magazine 

On the front pages of fitness and health magazines the articles they include snappy phrases to motivate people into working out, for example get fit quick, 5 moves to improve your mood. The articles are mainly in black writing and are bold fonts.

On the cover of these magazines there are models featuring in the centre of the page posing and showing of their fit and healthy bodies to promote the magazine and intrigue people.

The cover scheme of the magazines as a collective have many red and pink tones with some blue. These colours are not neon but they are very vibrant making the magazine more colourful and appealing to readers instead of having plain dismal colours that aren't motivating.

On these covers, the masthead is located at the top of the magazine and is i big, bold writing so it is the key piece of writing they also are all similar sizes and take up 1/5 of the magazines size across the top in the centre.

On the cover there are no images apart from the model featured in the middle of the magazine and is the centre of the magazine with articles and subtitles around.

The amount of cover lines differ depends on the magazine brand there are mainly between 4-8

the institutional information needed is placed either in the bottom left corner of the cover or bottom right.

the text styles are varied in size colour and font appearing in different places of the magazine. The bold text is usually in a larger size as well so people pay more attention to that piece of text.

puffs are used to draw attention to certain areas to the magazine and make you more inclined to read it and keep you intrigued so its not all boring

Double page spreads:

double page spreads in fitness magazines are laid out with information surrounding images and there are drawn images showing step by step fitness There are roughly 3-6 images included on double page spreads and the pages also include similar fonts that are slightly bigger than the text beneath and the styles are bold for the titles and plain in the paragraphs.On these double pages the  text is organised in similar shaped paragraphs.


Magazine Comparisons:                                                                                                           18/05/2023

Health & Fitness vs Women's Health 

These two magazines share similarities as well as contrasting differences.

 Q1. On the cover of Health & Fitness there are many cover lines with text in bright colours + bold fonts and looks like the main image has been taken in a studio. On the front cover of women's health, it is very plain with less vibrant colours and has more of a natural tone to it. through through the lighting and background used.

Q2.The production values on both magazines look like they have been produced to a high end standard/quality.

Q3.the ideologies presented in the magazine Health & Fitness are positive messages about making sure you are exercising and being healthy. These messages aren't physically on the magazine Women's health but are representing it through the skinny model who is happy with her body.

Q4.The colour palette on the Health & Fitness magazine is displayed through the fonts since there is a plain white background making the vibrant text stand out. However, the colour palette on the magazine for Women's Health is seen as more neutral since the masthead is white as well as the bottom of the magazine with some beach trees behind it so also very plain overall.

Q5.the people on both covers of these magazines represent that they are young, healthy and athletic.

Q6.The target audience of both magazines are women between the ages of 20 to 30, this can be seen through the people presented on the covers. Also the Women's health magazine has it in the title who they appeal to 'Women'. The areas of fitness are represented through the models featuring on the cover.

Q7.The target a


08/06/2023                                          LO:to plan an effective product aimed at a specific audience using 

Planning                                                                                                 appropriate codes and conventions

-Style bold, stands out from other magazines but also is stereotypical

-Typography big, bold font for cover line and smaller less bold for subtitles

-Image-shot type and content    image of a girl in gym gear, long shot and content about health and nutrition

-Masthead/logo design across top 1/4 of the magazine

-Cover/ homepage layout

-Content health & nutrition,   

-Colour palette red ,pink, blue


Magazine possible names- teenup, girlmax , upgym ,

Tagline- Teen Fitness, it looks good on you. Teen fitness forever.

House style- 

Colour palette-plain background green pink red colours
Cover image ideas- mid shot of a girl smiling confidently happy with her healthy average body.
Possible cover lines- do you want to be confident in your body? If so read this! strong body=happy mind. Secrets to self love.  Love the skin your in!
Info to include- Barcode, price tag, date, manafacturers name
DPS article subject- nutrition and health and how to keep fit
DPS image ideas- above
DPS layout ideas- masthead along the top with cover lines on the outer sides of the magazine featuring model in the centre from a mid-shot.
 representations- be presented as happy and positive 


 29/06/2023      LO:to research our target audience to successful target

Target Audience

audience profile 

gender: female
income/job: student
race: any 
education: college 
interests: baking, reading 

They would think school is enjoyable
they would have hobbies such as reading
they would be more likely to live in rural areas compared to urban
their favourite subjects would be english, cooking
their friends and food  are important to them
they use social media to post friends and food 
their friends would describe them as quiet nerdy fat


06/07/2023                               LO:to explore and understand how to use inDesign for magazine layouts.


13/07/2023                                            LO:to create content that meets the set brief by creating meaning 

 Production                                                                                            for an audience of 14-18 year olds.

double page spread ideas:                                                                                        possible cover lines

-home fitness                                                                                               -Get fit quick!

-health and nutrition                                                                                    -

-stuff to focus on in workouts     


EAT LEAN AND GREEN                                                             -


07/09/2023                                                                  LO:to revisit the structure & content of the course.

Statement of intent.

My magazine brief is to make a health and fitness magazine for 14-18  year olds. The name for my magazine is Flex Fitness. The slogan that I have chosen for my magazine is get fit quick! I have also decided that I am going to keep the style of the magazine very simplistic and minimal so that the main focus will be the image and the slogan. For the colour palette I have decided that the main colours I am going to use will be red, pink and  green since they contrast and that red/pink colours are normally stereotypical colours that females like so it will be easy to tell that the magazine is for teen girls...

My target audience are girls in between the ages of 14-18 that sometimes struggle with mental health and staying active so my magazine will help them to achieve their goals if they are trying to get physically healthier and mentally. My magazine also supplies healthy easy to make meals that can encourage people to get more active by substituting items in their diet for possible healthier options. The healthy eating options will be included on the inside of the magazine on the double page spread as well as some more photos and more tips on how to get into better shape/condition. The colour palette for the inside of the magazine will be similar to the cover but the amounts of the colours will be in different proportions.


14/09/2023                       LO:to recap brief criteria and to explore how to crate effective representations.

Coursework Review

how is your cover going to follow the layout conventions?

It is going to follow the layout conventions by having an original masthead at the top and will have cover lines around the main image on both sides so tat the cover image is the centre of the page. i will have the barcode on the bottom right side of the magazine and also  have the slogans around the sides of the cover image.

On the inside of my magazine, my double page spread is going to be for teens who are struggling to keep fit and my magazine will help them get back into with simple workouts to start them off. There will also be a certain section to help people take control of. their diet and increase/reduce calories that they consume in their day to day lives. It will have images of meals that will be good for your gut and healthy so not only working out will help you get fitter but so will your diet.


-figure out the style of the head mast.

-write cover lines and find fonts that i like.

-get man cover image as well as double page spread images.

- write article for. double page spread and figure out what nutrition notes to include and images.

-make sure to add a barcode and price tag.




-300 words for double page spread

1. Start with a balanced plate: Aim to include a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats in each meal.

2. Plan your meals in advance: Take some time each week to plan out your meals and create a grocery list. This can help you stay organized and make healthier choices.

3. Prep ahead of time: Spend a few hours on the weekend prepping ingredients or cooking meals in advance. This can save you time during the week and make it easier to stick to your healthy eating goals.

4. Portion control: Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates or containers to help control portions and prevent mindless eating.

5. Include snacks: Plan for healthy snacks between meals to keep your energy levels stable and prevent overeating later on.

6. Experiment with new recipes: Keep things interesting by trying out new recipes and flavors. This can help you stay motivated and excited about your meals.

7. Stay hydrated: Don't forget about the importance of staying hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support overall health and digestion!

Cover Lines

1. Get fit and fabulous! The ultimate workout guide:

2.Sculpt your dream body through this workout!

3.Transform your health with these nutrition tips!

4. Want to be fit? Eat these quick!


02/11/2023.      LO:to create a convincing article for teen health and fitness magazine using appropriate                                                                                                                 language, tone and representation.

Article writing

Do now:                                                                                                                                                       types of health and fitness articles you would have in a magazine are...interview, health tips, workout instructions, well-being, weight training, body building, reviews of products ,clothes and gym equip- ment.

Double page spread:
-headline, main image, subtitles, information, food recipes, healthy food recipes and steps, stand first, pull quote, drop cap.

1.on my cover is a main image of a model posing in gym gear and i am going to have a colour palette of red and pink since that is stereotypically associated with girls.

2.The article on the double page spread on my magazine is about tips on how to keep heathy wiith tips that you can note of for your future meals.

3.the images are going to be of healthy meals that you can have with information beside it to show that you can make these meals too.

4.i will have the same font on my double page spread as i did on the cover image because i think it goes together well but it will be a smaller size.

5.yes the name of my magazine will be in the corners of my double page spread as well aas page numbers. subheadings will be Experiment with new recipes,  portion control and also plan your meal ahead of time.

7.i want the people on my magazine to be represented as fit and heatlhy making people want to buy and read it so they can be fit and healthy too.



1. Start with a balanced plate: Aim to include a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats in each meal.

2. Plan your meals in advance: Take some time each week to plan out your meals and create a grocery list. This can help you stay organized and make healthier choices.

3. Prep ahead of time: Spend a few hours on the weekend prepping ingredients or cooking meals in advance. This can save you time during the week and make it easier to stick to your healthy eating goals.

4. Portion control: Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates or containers to help control portions and prevent mindless eating.

5. Include snacks: Plan for healthy snacks between meals to keep your energy levels stable and prevent overeating later on.

6. Experiment with new recipes: Keep things interesting by trying out new recipes and flavors. This can help you stay motivated and excited about your meals.

7. Stay hydrated: Don't forget about the importance of staying hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support overall health and digestion!


    Good - basic but covers it all.

    Good - but wouldn't they have some interest in H&F?

    A good start - good masthead design
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens specifically.


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