Music Magazines

13/3/2023                                   LO:to explore the                                     magazine industry ownership,                                              regulation and revenue

The Music Industry: Music Magazines

Conglomerate-a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises.

large company owning smaller companies.

Globalised-the production, distribution, and consumption of media products on a global scale, facilitating the exchange and diffusion of ideas cross-culturallyinternational product/business

Diversify- where a media company moves from producing one type of product to creating different media forms.

variety, when a company goes from producing one thing to more media forms.

Regulation- the global regulation of new media technologies is to ensure the cultural diversity in media content, and provide a free space of public access and various opinions and ideas without censorship.

blocking+ monitoring media products=to protect, keep safe the public

Revenue- the total amount of money brought in by a company's operations, measured over a set amount of time

income of a company-money

Circulation- count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed.

amount of copies distributed

Who Publishes..

-Whats on tv = Time Inc, IPC Connect, Future PLC.

-Radio Times= Immediate Media Company, Hubert Burda Media.

-Tv Choice=H. Bauer Media.

-Take a Break=Bauer Media Group.

-Good Housekeeping= Hearst communications.

.Bauer owns 600 magazines, it publishes MOJO

They have diversified the MOJO brand.

They also own radio companies

Bauer Media Group isa diversified media conglomerate because they are a large company that owns lots of smaller ones and many different media forms.

There has been a fall in print magazines over the past ten years and we know this because since technology has improved less people have spent money on paper-magazines when it is easier to use the internet instead since it is more resourceful and easily accessible.


27/03/2023                                                                  LO: to identify and explain different music genres

Music Genres

1.Genre=type, hat, jeans, belt, guitar, some facial hair.

2.rock= costume, leather jackets and denim, long hair, facial hair, jeans

3.pop=costume, colours of costume, background, makeup, long hair

Music Genres

rock, country, punk-rock, drum and bass, drill, rap, house, pop, emo rap, r&b, garage, church, classical,opera.


-Ariana Grande ,Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Bruno Mars ,Justin Bieber.


- target audience is a wide range of people form the ages 16 to 34.

- trap, grime, gangsta rap, rap rock (or nu metal), crunk, chillhop, bounce, mumble rap, Latin hip-hop, and conscious hip-hop.

singer Rihanna,
genre is pop and r&b
appearance is young
red lipstick suggests pop artists as well as pink background
and pink clothing.
appearance as nice and friendly singer.

`singer Ed Sheeran
sings multiple genres including pop, r&b, indian pop, soft rock , french rap, folk music.
doesn't stick to one certain genre so not much to write about.

24/04/2023                                   LO:to explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines

Music Magazines

Billie Eilish

1. Typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader.

2.layout is the act or process of planning or laying out in detail.

3.lexis is The specific language and vocabulary used to engage the audience.

4.colour palette is  other colours should work well alongside your main brand colour, and, when combined, will form a large part of your overall brand identity.

5.mise en scene is a term used to describe the setting of a scene in a play or a film.

colour palette is mainly bright colours , blue pink 
shot types are mostly mid-shot.
typhography bright colours, bold bubbly fonts.
lexis, straight forward and inspirational

Music Magazine Genres

Pop Magazines- Very vibrant, bright text and backgrounds.
colour palette:pink , red,blue yellow.
Shot types are mid shot/ long shot.
Typography: bold fonts, large bright colours.
Lexis: "its Britney Baby" "say hello wave goodbye".
Layout:Mainly large photo in the middle with surrounding cover lines and maybe smaller images.
mise-en-scene:Colourful, tight clothes but covered up, usually smiling with  bold makeup on.

Rock magazines
Colour palette: Black, red grey, white
Shot type:Close up shot/mid shot
Typography:Bold fonts, mainly in white or red
Lexis:"green day"
Layout:Masthead along the top and main image featuring in the middle of magazine
mise-en-scene: plan black clothing, with some coloured clothing pieces like red.

Genre and target audience  
-colour palette
-the content
-the person on the cover

Psychographics look at the lifestyles, behaviours and attitudes.
Demographics look at the factual data like age, gender, marital status and income. 

This classical music magazine mainly targets people between the ages of 15 to 34 but also attracts people from the ages of 55+. The magazine also has a fairly even amount of males and females purchasing their magazine so it appeals to both genders.
The colour palette on this magazine is very plain but this entices the target audience since they are highly educated and have high income and like to pay for quality which we can see this magazine has and is not covered in cover lines and it is simple but classy, like classical music.

This Rock magazine is focused on people from the ages of 15 to 24 and appeal to them by the colour palette (red white and black) making the red very bold and stand out. This magazine mainly has male readers with a percanted of 69.5% being male and 41% female.


26/06/2023                                        LO:to review and reflect on the EOY exam and set personal targets



question 2
-mise en scene- setting/costume make-up
-camera-shot angles, movement
-editing- fade, dissolves fast pace cuts.
-sound-diegetic, non-diegetic 

2.Music videos differ from each other because they target certain types of audiences. With teenage dirtbag and Sk8ter boy they share similarities by characters appear to be around the same age. Whats different about them is the setting and locations used in the music videos. In teenage dirtbag we see that its taken in a high school and has very stereotypical characters such as nerds jocks etc.. However with Sk8ter boy it is shot in an outside urban, city area with characters that are grungy, emo.

question 3
3. in the live lounge they target their key audience by...
-different music, make more money via more listeners.- commercial radio.
-local info, news 

 On BBC radio one live lounge they appeal to their target audience by the type of music they play. The target audience is in between the ages of 15 and 29. They also target this audience range because they are funded from tv license they

Q6. BBFC- age rates films in the uk

Q7. to extend the marketing of the film
-to strengthen the brand image of the film and it's franchise so audiences develop greater brand awareness of the film and any sequels.
-to offer opportunities for fans to extend their enjoyment of the film by giving them the opportunities to further  explore the films' fictional world. rewarding their loyalty to the film.

Personal identity
social interaction.

8. one use and gratification of using Blumler and katz's theory is personal identity. This is seen in the lego movie because there is a wide range of  different characters that viewers could potentially relate to. This will make the film seem better.


10/07/2023      MOJO MAGAZINE

LO: to explore and define the magazine's target audience.

Genre-Froclassic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic
Publisher- Bauer Media
Target audience- 30-45 +
Circulation-62,733 - niche audience
Brand- Bauer Media

-luxury brands are the most successful magazines, huge online competition.
-magazines like these have advantages of high-quality print media, adding to their established brand.
-Mojo has some aspects of quality, but is only semi-glossy and uses lightweight paper, However it retains a high enough quality to survive.

-Mojo Magazine covers both current and established musicians.
-Each month you get a definitive cover feature on an iconic act.
-their passion is about music.

-weekly magazines target an audience that is more working class than middle class.
-the quality monthly magazine tend to target a more middle-class audience.
-The most popular weekly and monthly magazine's have predominantly female readerships, 
-magazines aimed at men have lower circulations.

Class: equal share of middle class and working class readers.
Gender: 4x more likely to be read by men then women.
AGE: about 65% are over 35, but a higher proportion of 15-34 year olds read it .

he access music from streaming services such as spotify youtube etc..
his hobbies and interests are going to festivals, and reading mojo magazine's.
his job provides him with high income and is very professional, he has colleagues which he talks to about music and other brands implying he has a good relationship with them.
his family life he shares bonds with his children through music (pop music with his daughter and bands like artic monkeys with his son.)
his personality 


Personal identity 
Social interaction

05/09/2023                                          LO:to explore the appeal of mojo magazine to it's target audience.

Do now:
-We can tell that the audience is both male and females  because of the colours used on the front cover on the magazine that are black white and a neon yellow . also the main cover image has drake on which appeals to both genders. The heading is in bold texting taking up a 1/4 of the page.

1.cultured-violin-musical-classical talent + skill.
2.Masthead-script type-traditional,elegant + higher class.
3.Red-educated cultured- red = love/passion
4.Language- reader well educated-classical music-because of terminology.

1.We can tell the quality music based on this cover and different decades because you can see they have a taste in music and appreciate differently music.
2.WE can see based of the cover that Madonnas personal identity is shown through her gothic look and the style makeup that appears on  her in the main image.

Music magazine audiences are active because they can choose what they want to read and what they don't want to read.

Uses and gratifications 
P-Personal identity
S-Social interaction

-there is a lot of writing and therefore the audience knows that the magazine is spreading information.The three images show the different things featured in the magazine.

-The magazine has a lot of ways to provide entertainment, one of which is a free cd that comes with the magazine which include 15 tracks.

Social interaction
-Music magazines offer news and gossip that might form the basis of real life conversations and debates between the readers and their friends.

        LO :To understand exam style questions and practice exam technique.

Do now

This magazine appeals mainly to people between the ages of 25 and 64 since it was an extremely popular band in the 1970's many their target audience. It is a progressive rock band and appeals to people that like that sort of music.
The magazine provides entertainment through the colours used  that give off an autumn spooky vibe so maybe the magazine was released then. Also the main cover image is quite dark and is in grey and black maybe to entice those older generations.

Music industry Q1 and Q2:

1. Ofcom.
3. online stuff thats broadcast to provide information/advice without the main focus being profitable.


One way in which radio stations can meet the requirements of public service broadcasting is through their interaction with listeners. They reach out to listeners and engage by letting peoples have chats with the creator and it entertains other listeners as well as intriguing the person they are having a conversation with them.

One way that you can visibly notice different music video representations is how the actors are portrayed in the video and what vibe they are trying to give off. In teenage dirtbags music video it is very stereotypical since the majority of the scenes are in a school and you have the popular girl, jocks and the nerds.However, in sk8er boi the teenagers give more of a rebellious cool, emo vibe and they have a certain style.

19/09/2023                                       LO:to understand exam style questions and practice exam technique

1.P-Personal Identity I-Information, E-Entertainment, S-Social Interaction
2.The cover appeals to the audience who find lana del ray as a role model and her audience is mainly sophisticated people.
3.The magazine cover says that there is an exclusive interview inside providing fans with information on their favourite artists. As well as speaking about an exclusive interview
4. The magazine comes with a Cd that includes 15 tracks providing entertainment for fans.
5. Reviews, cd

Music Industry: Q2

Magazines attract their audience by having very famous singers on the cover so that people that like the magazine are interested in reading more about the singer as well as the singers audiences and fans then purchasing the magazine to read more about the artists they are interested in. Mojo magazines main audience are mainly a more older generation and mostly are male so they normally have artists that are older that would of listened to them by having artists that they would know and of the main genre people seem to like that by that certain magazine.- 2 MARK RESPONSE

Magazines attract audiences by featuring exclusive special things that no one else can offer. For example, mojo magazine like to add a CD to attract readers and keep them interested in the magazine. they also like to include exclusive interviews that other magazines can't offer to make their magazine stand out from other ones that they may be attracted to.- 4 MARK RESPONSE.

Music Videos.

Teenage Dirtbag- Linear narrative played by actors, setting in an american high school, with stereotypical characters with jocks, nerd and a popular girl, The lighting is natural but inside is dull.

Sk8er Boi- the narrative is a performance, setting is in america urban area, abandoned, lots of buildings
characters are mainly males surrounding Avril (her friends) and predominantly white. She challenges gender stereotypes through her style and clothing, more of a punk, appearance of being rebellious.
Lighting has a filter on it and the natural lighting is over saturated with the colours.

Music videos use media language to separate their music video from other videos by making the setting unique from one another. In Sk8er Boi the setting appears to be outside and in rural abandoned building to give the affect that the video is rebellious. However in teenage dirtbag it is more realistic and casual and the mise-en-scene is featured in a school to represent what the singer is trying to portray through their music. This location is different because it is a lot more basic compared to the other one and that it also fits the theme of the story line.


 26/09/2023                                        LO: to explore exam style questions and practice exam techniques.

Do Now

1. Ofcom regulates radio in the uk.
2. BBC owns radio one.
3.Public service broadcasting provides music and information but they don't do it for a profit.
4.convergence is the word for merging previously separate media forms in one entity.
5.The term for branching out into other areas of business is called diversification.
6.the term used to describe a company such as Bauer media owning magazines and radio stations is conglomerate.

Music Industry: Q3

BBC Radio has to provide a wider range of content than commercial radio because they are a public service radio that benefits the public since they are funded by tv licence. Their main purpose is to inform, educate and, also entertain. However, radios such as BBC radio 1 live lounge meets the remit by appealing to a target audience between the ages of 15-29 and attracts them by being relatable using slang and also having young tv presenters that can understand the struggles of listeners. This benefits the public because they can be educated and entertained through the radio making people want to listen to it. 

BBC Radio one have a way wider age range of listeners providing entertainment and education for many people. They do this by also having a wider range of music that young people will like but also older people will like so it attracts that wider age range. With BBC Radio 1 live lounge they also support new upcoming artists such as Raye and have live music artists including Stormzy that they know people between the ages of 15-29 will like. Another thing they provide on the Live Lounge is support with exams and mental health and also school tips that they know many young people are struggling with.


10/10/2023                                LO:to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for                                                                                     Q4 focusing on media language and representation.

Do Now:

1.Mise En Scene is  Setting and costume design and makeup.
2. editing is how certain images/videos have been put together.
3. Camera work is using a camera to capture different angles/ movement when making videos.
4.Sound is what they hear., diegetic/ non diegetic.
5. narrative is the storyline linear or non-linear. 

sound- anything that characters can hear whilst on set.
Non diegetic sound- any sound in a film that doesn't originate from the world of the film. These are typically sounds that are added for effect in post-production. 

Music Industry Q4:
Representation- musicians
How are they shown or presented

The representation of the mojo magazine is displayed through the main cover image and the colour palette that was used. The mans emotions are quite blank and is looking up as if he is admiring something. The colours used and black and white which are very classical for rock music and this could show that he is well known. The shot of him is close up so we can quite clearly see his expressions and get the idea of his emotions and this can tell us a lot about the style of music that they create.

The representation on the mojo magazine cover shows age through the main cover image mid-shot showing his facial expressions and emotions as well as his body language. We can see his age even through the rigid way he is stood. You can also see his age through the colour palette used it is quite serious consisting of blacks, whites and greys that also portray more classical, older things. Even his look shows us he is stern and confrontational directly addressing the audience by looking directly at the camera. The lexis also matches a serious and dark content such as "murder" and "grievers" which both link to death also linking to his age. 

31/10/2023               LO:to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for question 5                                                                                            focusing on media language and representation.

  Do now
-Shot type is what distance you are taking a photo from.
-Typeface is the font,colour and size of the words.
-Colour palette is the range of colours you use.
-Lexis is the words you use .
-Masthead is the title at the top of a magazine.

Music Industry: Question 5

-15 marks.
-Judge and conclude.
-5 for conclusion.

Context-what is happening in the world at the time. Gender, Sexuality, Multiculturalism, Celebrity, Consumerism.

1. The layout of the magazine is cluttered.
2.The layout suggests that there is lots of information and "juicy gossip" inside due to the amount of stuff piled onto the front cover.
3.The colour palette is saturated.
4.The choice of colours suggests that the magazine is for teenage girls since it is shades of purple and pink and it is glittery.

1. The layout is ordered and smartly presented.
2.The choice of layout connotes that it is simplistic and so are the people that read it.
3.The colour palette is muted and dull keeping it very casual.
4.The  choice of colour also suggests it is very classic and simple.

1.The text mainly concludes of san serif.
2.This choice of font suggests that it is less classic and traditional but a more bold statement.

The txt is mainly san serif font.The choice of the sans serif font suggest a modern twist to the magazine with up to date style and therefore up t date music for the audience.


07/11/2023                    LO:to explore exam stye questions and practice exam technique for q5 focusing 
                                                                                                        on media language and representation.

Do Now:
1.'Babyboomer' generation-a person born in the years following ww2 when there was a temporary marked increase in birth rate.
2.Diversification-the process of varying products.
3.Audience address-how a text speaks to the audience and involves and influences them.
4.Discerning-having or showing good judgement.
5.House style-a companies preferred way of presenting their material.

Q5. 15 marks- 15 minutes (mark per minute.)
How far is...
Give your opinion.
Life at the time (eg.. 1990's.)
Gender roles (more equality)
Attitudes to sexuality (improved attitudes and celebrate LGBTQ.)
Celebrity culture.

Shot type- Medium long shot
Star vehicle-David Bowie
Colour palette- purple,pink white- feminine
Bands/artists mentioned-7 other
Masthead style- white sans serif shadow bold uppercase
Main cover line- pink,white, black, sans serif, uppercase, bold.
minor cover line style- white and black, sans serif.

Serif:A serif is a small line or stroke regularly attached to the end of a larger stroke in a letter or symbol.

Sans serif: is one that does not have extending features called "serifs" at the end of strokes.

The colour palette is full of pastel colours, purple, pink and blue.These are all seen as feminine colours even though the target audience for mojo magazine mainly consist of men. This could suggest that the magazine was released at a time when it wasn't uncommon for men to be seen being in touch with their feminine side. This could also suggest that the audience of the audience are open minded and accepting with their attitudes to sexuality and subverting stereotypes. The saturated colours used simply imply a happy sense to content within the magazine. It suggests it's a fun magazine with exciting things to read. 

The colour palette is more muted on this magazine suggesting that it is more basic and natural the background is outside and consists of mainly blue, green and white. These colours are very simplistic  and natural, however the items in the background makes the artist on the cover more down to earth and more normal instead of looking like a super famous celebrity this magazine does not give off that sort of vibe. This could be due to the target audience being more simple and basic appealing to them due to the 
main cover image and scenery.


14/11/2023                LO: to research the case study, annotate in detail the examples from the case study.

Do now:
1.the bbc owns radio one. license funds the bbc.
3.Ofcom regulates radio.
4.psb radio stands for public service broadcasting.
5.the two types of radio are commercial radio and PSb radio.
6. PSB radio is mainly to benefit the public and inform them with info. However, commercial radio services need to get a profit so feature ads.


Songs: Original and cover
Cover -cuff it (beyonce)

Guest info
Olivia Dean
Age 24
First time on radio by herself.
Confident and talented for doing
a beyonce song.
Has a band of 10 people including her

Quotes from the show to remember 
"Your a liar"    "big up the band" slang, informality to appeal to younger listeners
"You are the real deal"
"Put your whole back and spine into that performance"
"i love a challenge"
"Your a joke"; she sang a Beyonce sang easily
 and pulled it off well

-Purpose to show that the presenter and Olivia get on 
well, we know because of the informal language used.

Appeal to target audience
Sings a beyonce song to appeal to teenage/young adult girls
her original single is about diving into a new opportunity-love
Younger presenters so they can be relatable and keep the chat informal and fun

Inform, entertain and educate?
Plays live music
Talks about personal information from beginning
Talks about comments sent in from the audience

Innovative and cutting edge new Uk music
New single performed- Dive
She is well liked from her listeners
A song by jungle is played who are a uk based band
between the original and cover from Olivia
Feature and promote UK artists, praised her.

Radio one questions
1.people within the ages of 15-29 producers being young and being informal and using slang.
3.People that listen to beyonce since she sang one of her songs,
4.they play live music for listeners.
5.commercial radio because their main goal is to make a profit.
6.for commercial radio they have a mass audience.



Do now:

Genre codes-the different style and theme for a piece of media.
Intertextuality-the shared relationship between two pieces of media.
Typography-the font and style of the words.
Connotations- Annotations that relate to the word and what it makes you think of.
Lexis-the words that are used.

Music Industry: Q5

LO:to explore the exam style question for music magazine and music video.

Media language:Text, images, cover lines, colour palette, layout.

1.the shot type is mid shot/close up.
2.its Shakira, she is a female and young.
3.Revealing clothes, gloves, gold head dress- screams wealth and power.
4.sat on a throne where kings/queens sit, she is pop royalty. Greek goddess 
5.colour palette golden/yellow brown, warm tones saturated light and bright.
6. four cover lines ordered, formal layout, organised, sans serif fonts and lowercase letters even for name, relaxed not following the rules.

1.shot type mid shot, main cover image group of people
2.wearing suits, formal, bright vibrant colours not serious, not sexualised in what they are wearing.
3. colour palette full of bright multicolours, very vibrant  green orange yellow background, psychedelic theme, Fun and exciting.
4.the layout is cluttered and un-organised , tells us the magazine has a lot to share, 11 cover lines.
5. type font in sans serif in capitals almost shouting the title.

On these two covers, we can see that the media language for both of these music magazines are very different. First of all the colour palette for billboard is full of lots of saturated warm tones with yellow, brown white and gold this gives us the impression that the magazine is very comforting and relatable and nothing out of the ordinary. However Mojo magazine is polar opposite with the colours and is multicoloured and very vibrant  and gives of a 60/70s vibe with psychedelic theme throughout.

The text is presented on billboard is all lower case making it more simplistic as well as the cover lines being very organised and straight forward. The four cover lines that are used are in a sans serif font allowing a more liberal approach keeping it very classical. despite this, mojo magazine went another way and included bold fonts on the cover with many colours and there are 7 cover lines cluttered on the front page creating a chaotic effect hinting that there is lots of information to read inside.

The shot type on the magazine billboards cover image, is seen to be a medium/close up showing us the detail of Shakira's face and the fact she is sat on a throne. This connotes to her being a queen of pop being allowed to pose like that. She is sexualised on the cover showing her skin and wearing very glamorous , long black gloves looking like a greek goddess. Mojo magazines has a main cover image that is taken from a medium/long-shot and shows four people (the Beatles) all wearing formal suits and the way they are all stood in a unison line looking up makes them appear to be powerful as well as the fact they are all looking up as if they are to be worshipped. Their clothes all come up to their necks and they are not sexualised for what they are wearing unlike Shakira starring on the front cover of billboard.

In conclusion, the media language is presented very differently on both magazines due to them being targeted for different audiences and trying to appear to those certain people.


The media language shown in both magazines are used differently, because of the generic conventions of the magazines and the audience appeal.The mastheads on the two magazines are clearly different. Billboard uses lower case letters that are yellow and sans serif type. The use of lower case gives a sense of informality and rebellion as it refuses to use capital letters for the name of the magazine. The use of the yellow gives a happy, positive mood to the cover. The use of the sans serif font give a more modern  
clean informal feel to the cover of the magazine.The masthead therefore appeals to the audience by giving an youthful and up to date version of music.


  1. 5/9- Great work today, well done, excellent start to Y11. Where is your work from today? I can't see to on your page? Did you forget to update?

  2. 19/9- Good comparison, link to why they are different. 3/4


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