Lego Movie

08.09.2022                                              Lo: to understand the narrative and characters in the lego movie.

c -superman, wonder woman , green lantern , batman , Tubacca ,
Cookoo land, old wild west

Emmet (Chris Pratt), an ordinary LEGO figurine who always follows the rules, is mistakenly identified as the Special -- an extraordinary being and the key to saving the world. He finds himself drafted into a fellowship of strangers who are on a mission to stop an evil tyrant's (Will Ferrell) plans to conquer the world. Unfortunately for Emmet, he is hopelessly -- and hilariously -- unprepared for such a task, but he'll give it his all nonetheless.

2.teamwork and individual creativity
,to believe in yourself, everyone is special in their own way

industry research

LO:To research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry

1.Film distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience.
2. A media conglomerate, or a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprise.
3.The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC).
4.The lego movie got given a U rating.
5. The Video Standards Council.

6.The lego movie is suitable for ages 4 and over.
7. Lin pictures and warner bros are the main two companies that produced lego movie
8.Phil lord and Chris miller directed the lego movie
9. Tt fusion produced the lego movie video game
10. Warner bros pictures distributed the lego movie.
11. The advertising authority regulate advertising content in the uk.


22.09.2022          Industry Research♡☺

LO:To research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry

regulators are usually industry bodies that do one of these two thing:
1.Classify products (normally by age rating.)
2.Ensures content of product meets acceptable standards.

1. It's important for the game to receive a 7 age rating because younger kids will be playing and might use violence to kill other characters.
2.Its important for film regulation to exist because otherwise younger children and vulnerable adults could see something that could affect them.

Narrative Theory   LO:To explore the narrative & apply narrative theory to the lego movie

The lego movie challenges genre conventions because it is mainly action, comedy and others.
It is very hyper reality because the main characters and scenery is all made out of lego so you know that It isn't real also, 2/3 of the way through . 
The lego movie was produced by the same company as the matrix so they taken their own idea from the Matrix and used it to create the lego movie.
Equilibrium- everything is awesome lord business runs world
Disruption-president business
Recognition of disruption-
Attempt to solve disruption-
New equilibrium-

 Target Audience              LO:To identify the target audience using demographics and psycho graphics. 

The movie targets a family audience since it is child friendly.

that could be split in into the following three groups:
-Young kids that play with lego.
-Parents who played with it when they were young too.
-Young adult cinema-goers.
The lego movie appeals to multiple audiences for example parents who used to play with lego when they were younger, teenagers who often go to the cinema because they are interested in the film or they are taking another sibling, and is also an overall very good family film to watch because it attracts all ages.       

1.As a product lego is for kids so their main challenge is to make products appealing for children however it is the adults who have the money.
2.The importance of making this story enjoyable for adults cannot be understated, as they might buy children's toys for a huge number of young relations and friends' kids over the ensuing decades
3.The benefits of this Lego film are not just limited to the supportive spending of adults either. What makes a children's movie such an enduring legacy is that it firstly finds its excitable audience in the cinema.

1.Because it explores the meaning of love, partnership and humanity, the film makes people feel all the emotions they want to.
2.We're constantly questioning what categories each of us fit in but the lego movie shows you don't have to fit in because everyone is special.

In broadcast programming and motion pictures, a tent-pole or tentpole is a program or film that supports the financial performance of a film studio or television network. It is an analogy for the way a strong central pole provides a stable structure to a tent.

A tent pole production is a movie/film that the producers think is going to be successful.
13/10/2022          LO:To explore marketing & promotion of the lego movie; to link the methods used to                                                                                                                                          the target audience

-Billboards              Lego Movie Merchandise- lego clothing, lego bags, lego building sets, toys, lego 
- Magazines            range of school supplies, the lego movie video game.

1.There is not a specific website for the lego movie but the warner Bros have a lego movie section on their website.
2.Posters and billboards with the main characters on and the actors who done voiceovers.
3.Each week in January 2014, a new character poster was released.
4.Lego stores scheduled linked events. accessory packs were available in stores after building creative models in-store.
6.Video game was released a week and a half before the film was out to attract themes.
7.Mc Donald's released collectible 3D cups with happy meals.
8.A website enabled fans to make lego versions of themselves.
9.Facebook page which would release short clips of the film.

-In dancing on the ice at 7:27 pm five days before the lego movie launched, itv broadcast a world first, an ad break made entirely out of lego.
The adverts that were converted to lego were, British Heart Foundation,, BT and Premier inn were re-created frame by frame.
It was important that the fours ads were all live/recent campaigns, not remakes of classic ads yesteryear.

The Advertising for the lego movie was extremely successful because it collaborated with other recent advertising television brands that people recognised except they were in lego form, for the whole ad break it was lego because the ad was combined.


The lego movie:Trailer                                                                                                             03.11.2022

LO:To evaluate the methods used to market 
the lego movie;to link the methods to target audience.

Warner Bros chose to have their logos made of lego so it would go with the film.
They would want their logos played before the trailer so they would watch it because its a known brand.
In part one of lego movie, emmet is the main character and he is living his normal day to day life as a builder.
In part two, he meets Wild style (also known as Lucy) who is trying to become the chosen one.
In part three, he somehow becomes the chosen one and has to stop president business from stopping time.

Equilibrium- emmet is at home watching tv.
Disruption-president business saying follow instructions or you will be put to sleep.
Recognition of disruption-emmet realising what he said.
Attempt to solve disruption-going after lord business for the rest of the trailer.

The equilibrium and the disruption need to be shown quickly because they don't want to give to much of the film away so people know what happens in the action bits of the film.

So they are more intrigued to watch the film and the audience they are trying to attract  have a short attention span.

Camera Work
1.So they recognise their faces from the trailer and so they know they play an important role in the film.
2.Makes the movie more interesting and looks like it has a lot going on.
3.To show how powerful they are and that they are strong. 

1.The storyline.
2.They have a big impact as it shows the action that is going on.
3.Creates tension to the trailer, increasing pace and volume, action music.

1.Being short but snappy keeping people intrigued.
2.The younger audience since they will be having time off school.
3.For a comedy affect or to intensify the situation making it more action-packed.

1.Makes the story seem adventurous because of all the different locations.
2.Bright colours and action colours (red blue and black.)
3.They are all different and have a different role in the film and society.


The Lego Movie uses two elements of media language to target different audiences give two examples
One element used in the Lego movie trailer is editing, this is used by keeping segments very short but snappy this is to keep people intrigued and so children cam keep an attention span long enough to know they would want to see it.
Another element in the lego movie trailer is sound this is used when action scenes come up and they use effects to make it more entertaining and interesting for example when loads of robots come flooding out it is very chaotic so they add sound to match the scene.

the lego movie: video game
LO:To explain how vertical intergration benefits companies; To analyse using and uses & gratification theory.

The game developer of the lego movie is tt fusion.
The game publisher is warner bros and feral interactive.
The game was released in 14th of February 2014.
The genre of the game is acton adventure.
The platform was released for x-boxes playstation's nintendo DS.
The game modes are single player and multiplayer.

5 examples of recent film/video game releases are Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, Madagascar, A Bugs Life and The Hulk.

Simultaneous Releases are:
Profit maximised- Increases potential audiences
Familiarity-brand, Plot & characters known
Extends pleasure Of the film- chance to be a part of the film world;can have extended narratives.
Cross promotion- Efficient use of marketing both products to promote each other.

The ones that apply to the video game are 3 and 4 because people will want to play this game because it is entertaining and they will enjoy it.
17/11/2022                                        LO:To analyse the representations on the poster campaign

The Lego Movie: Poster campaign

Foggy/cloudy background.
building exploding/fire in background.
Low shot angle.
Batman stood in front of everything.
Dark setting.

Explosions going on in the background and bright red fire burning the building down.
being set in a dark scene with lots of dark tones making the red fire the main feature to draw peoples attention too.
The sky is all foggy and cloudy (from the burning down building) blocking up the sky so there are dark grey clouds as a background.
small objects of the building breaking off and falling to the ground.
Colour pallet of black and some red can suggest danger.
Action and adventure film suggested on the colours that are used and the scene.
spotlight around character linking him into being a good guy but also bad.

The Lego Movie video game is constructed to appeal from 7 and over and have used bright colours around the hero characters and the villains are in the background surrounded by more dark colours.Also Emmet is holding a spanner making connotations to creativity, building and mechanics. The title of the game is also constructed out of lego to match the rest of the cover and the colour pallet on this image is mainly red,blue and black which are action/adventure movie colours.The main characters are featured at the front of the cover because people will recognise them from the movie. In the background you can also see batman on the top of a building which people will recognise him from other batman films.You can also see the police in the background charging about with a robot following behind them causing havoc.


-Genre codes and conventions, the typical features that symbolise a genre.
-Hybrid when a film mixes different elements of genre.
-Iconography, the visual elements like props, that help to symbolise a particular genre.
-intertextuality,when the one text references another.

The Lego Movie theatrical poster is constructed to appeal to younger children by including characters like uni-kitty in the middle ground ,this will appeal to them because she is a really happy and cheery character also she is  half kitty half unicorn which children will like.

For teenagers and adults the lego movie poster can appeal to them because of the superheroes (batman,green lantern, superwoman, superman) this will appeal to them because these characters have been featured in other films that they may of had interest in and these characters appear in action and adventure films so people will assume that this film also has action and adventure.

Another character in the foreground that will appeal to teenagers is Wildstyle she will appeal to them because she is a girl and all of the other main characters aren't also, the voice actor of her has been in mainly teenage movies so people may recognise her from there as well.

INITIAL RESEARCH: good notes THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer GAME COVER ANALYSIS: WWW: you identified many different elements and explained their appeal EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent! WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal EBI: please punctuate properly!
1/12/2022  & 8/12/2022

The Lego Movie: Dirt                               LO:To analyse the representations throughout the Lego Movie                                                                                                                                    promotional campaign
The Lego Movie:Representation

Character- female, black, gay, suffers with depression, neeky, has a good friend group loud/funny.

Character- male, african-american, straight, eating disorder, no friends, sits in the toilet at lunch and break.

Character- trans gender male, doesn't have very many friends in school, quiet/shy.

Character- female, white, straight, popular, pretty never in school not very smart.

Character- male, white, gay, adhd, popular, doesn't pay attention in school and been kicked out of multiple others.

1.on the main poster the representation of Wildstyle portrays a female who looks determined this subvert stereotypical representations of her gender because some people will assume she is not a featuring main character she is just someone who is besides a male character. Also she is a inspiring character to female teenagers by her tracksuit which could potentially be a surprise to society since usually characters that are pretty are seen wearing dresses and skirts.
2.Wildstyle is represented in the trailer similar to the poster but also strong and independent, we see this when she is fighting off bad guys to protect and save Emmet and also when she builds vehicle by herself which challenges stereotypes because people are used to the male character to save the female but in this it is opposite and it is the other way around which is interesting to the audience.

3.In the lego movie age is shown with the character Vitruvious with his old white hair ad the wrinkles under his eyes these are just natural features that elderly people get.Also, it is shown with other characters like Lord Business you can tell that he is in his thirty-forties because his hair is not grey but he does have facial wrinkles which you tend to get as you age. 


05/01/2023                 The Lego movie:put it all together

Uk regulators
film-he British Board of Film Classification (BBFC).
advertising-The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
magazines and newspapers-IPSO is the regulator of press standards for the majority of the UK's newspapers and magazine.
video games-The Games Rating Authority (GRA).
tv and radio- Ofcom.


-in the lego movie gender is represented within the characters by having a mixed amount of both genders and the female characters all have their hair up and they are all pretty so that you can identify them as females .With the male lego men they all mainly have short hair.

-overall the lego movie they support individuality and send the message that it is okay to be different and to also be creative.They do this by having a main character (Emmet) but he isn't confident with himself until later on in the film he doesn't believe in himself but overtime he overcomes this issue and starts to be creative like the other characters which then young audience will be influenced by this .

-the lego movie try to attract different audiences by including very different characters (for example Lucy attracts teenagers by her attitude in the film and personality and also the way that she is dressed, uni-kitty attracts younger ages by being made of younger kids lego blocks which are bigger and by the pastel colours that she is and that in the film she is very enthusiastic, other characters that will attract adults to take their children are some of the superheroes and basketball players included, this could also attract teenagers but some of the basketball players were around when parents were growing up.

-the lego movie distributed profit in many ways, first of all starting of with releasing weekly posters of the main characters and with different backgrounds intriguing audience by making them curious .


19/01/2023                   LO: to review and reflect on the unit assessment and set personal targets


Question 6- i need to revise the age rating of the lego movie, the company that produced the film, the company's that were used in the advertisement video and tent pole productions.

Question 7- i need to understand what horizontal and vertigration is and the difference between them and how their company can get more exposure when owning multiple business.

Question 8- i need to stay on track and not get different points mixed up so keep looking at the question to make sure i'm making points all the way through.

Question 9-i need to write about how overall there are more male characters than females suggesting male dominance and also how the characters are dressed eg.. Emmet wearing builders uniform which is a stereotypical job for a male and Wildstyle dressed all in black is unstereotypical for a female.

Question Nine
Analyse representations of gender in The Lego Movie poster campaign

- In the lego movie poster campaign there are representations of gender, this is seen when Wildstyle is featuring on the cover and is pulling a facial expression implying that she is not afraid and is looking very brave. Then you look next to Wild-style and Emmet is slightly in front of everyone however his facial expression shows that he is scared and afraid, this is seen as very un-stereotypical since the media normally have the roles reversed with the female character looking afraid and the male looking more dominating. Another representation of gender in the lego movie is by some of the outfits certain characters are wearing for example Emmet is wearing builders uniform which is seen as a very stereotypical job for a male to have. However, Wild-style is wearing a black tracksuit with a pink and blue strip on which also matches her hair and this is quite different to what the media would expect a girl character to be wearing since a 'tracksuit isn't very femenine' . Overall you can tell the difference between genders in the lego movie by the way that their faces look for example the female characters who are on the cover (Superwoman and Wild-style ) both have long eyelashes, coloured lips and longer hair. Also to provide diversity (with genders and in general) the lego movie also have characters like Uni-kitty which being stereotypical by the colour palette you would assume is a female however from looking at the poster you can't know that for sure.



Do Now: Recap

-Film, BBFC.
-Tv and radio, Ofcom.
-Advertising, Asa.
-Magazines and newspapers, Ipso.
-Video games, video standards council.

Target Audience:
Young kids who play with lego.
Parents of those kids who used to play with lego.
Young cinema goers (15-25).

Uses and Gratifications
Personal identity       P- relating to the character, the lego movie includes a large variety of characters.
Information               I-facts, the lego movie shows new characters andand new worlds.
Entertainment           E-lots of twists and actors, emmetts attempt at humour entertains people.
Social interaction      S-talking about it with friends, lego cards and lego game to play with them.

The cover shows that the genre of the film is action because there is a massive explosion on the cover as well as it being very chaotic and has lots going on. There is an element of comedy and we can see this on the expression on the protagonists face. We can also confirm that it is mainly action because the setting behind is a city and action films usually occur in cities.

The blue and red flashing lights significantly show that this cover is for an action film as well as there being flying robots chasing the main characters.

Batman, green lantern, superwoman, green ninja, benny the spaceman, super man.

The colour palette also appeals to children since it is very bright and colourful making it appear as interesting.

Morgan Freeman and Will Ferrell are actors that adults will recognize and that parents will be familiar with and Benny the spaceboy character from when they were younger making them feel nostalgic and urge them to watch the film.
Wyldstyle subverts the stereotype of a girl as she is wearing dark colours and a tomboyish personality, she goes along with stereotypes in the sense that she is wearing makeup and has streaks of hair dye in her hair.
However vitruvius and Lord business give off the stereotype that old people are serious and scary whereas the other characters give s the stereotype that all young people are fun and exciting.

Video game trailer:
Inclusive of both genders
Explosions and gender 
Setting is a city
Information-90 characters
Shows different locations
Unikitty shows feminine side to game
Humorous, funny elements in game
Shooting in the game
Just dance in the game
Children playing shocked
Advert closes on protagonist making funny comment.

Lego movie trailer
-Close up shots of characters to introduce them to the audience
-Lots of establishing shots to show us the different settings and worlds in the movie.
-Low shot of wyldstyle and vitruvious to show they are respected and also powerful.
-The diegetic sounds show that the movie is a comedy and shows he is a hero even though he does not     feel like one.

Lego ad break
Shown in 2014 during dancing on ice when many families would be sat down in front of the tv.
British heart foundation was the first advert created in lego.
Intertextuality batman on the screen and vitruvius.
Second advert featured was
 Third advert was BT broadband.
All adverts full of humour, fits the lego movie genre and theme.
Antagonist of film appears.
Final advert was premier inn.
Change to actual lego movie, intense full of action intriguing.
Lego adverts for other companies build up to actual movie advertisement.



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