Lights , Camera , Action


08.11.2021                LO: to explore the use of camera work in a film        Lights, Camera ,Action

1. movement of the camera either up or down
2. movement of the camera from side to side

high angle shot
mid/long shot
close up shot

mid/ long shot

extra-long shot
low angle shot
extreme close up
high angle


22.11.21             Setting and colour                          LO:To explore the use of setting and colour in films

1. a director would set an isolated house in a rural setting because the scene would add to the story line and it makes sense.
2. a big city for an action film because there is a lot of scenery.
3.a small seaside town for a romantic comedy because its quiet and very pretty views.

1. blue and red are bright colours that stand out for a superhero and it can make them stand out more compared to other people.
2. black suit for a super villain because it makes them look suspicious and sly.
3.bright colours for  a comedy because they look like happy bright characters and the way people dress also can show your personality 

1.the action takes place in multiple different places
2.the story is set in this place because of the atmosphere.
3.the setting changes when they go to different places and areas.
4.if it is a sad setting it could make the characters feel upset.

i think for this film the setting should be in a science lab because it is a science fiction film and it makes  sense to be in that setting , also the colour scheme would go well with the setting and description of the  film.                                                                                                                                                               

06.12.2021         Lo:to explore different styles of photography.


monsters and giants
-just two people
-quite far back to make sure everyones in the shot

-two people just a reflective object
-from the side to make sure camera person isn't included in the shot

hand sizes
-two people
-from above

hand stars
-two people
-from above

looking down
-two people
-from below

looking up
-two people
-from above


the red in this image represents blood and anger because there is blood on his face also the red title goes with it makes sense for the title to be red too since it matches , however in this image the man is smiling and there is blood coming out of his mouth and dripping down from his head so he might have an injury.

17.01.2022  Sound and Film                                             LO: to explore the use of sound in film

- in a horror film u would hear suspenseful , eery music with yelling/screaming.
-an action film you would hear crashing noises , bangs, explosions and very fast background music to match the scene.
- a thriller has tense music to build up suspension.
-a comedy film has loud funny music with people laughing in the background and a upbeat sound to it.

diegetic- sounds you would hear if you were in the scene
non diegetic- sounds that only the audience can hear

foley is when sounds that you hear in a film are added after the filming jsut because the microphones can make stuff sound muddled.

-putting box on table
- purring
-opening present

1.yes there is music in the scene
2.the music is very suspenseful and can be quite intense hear the music and sounds change when they
4.what is happening on the screen when the sounds or music change
5.if you listen too the sounds without the pictures, can you tell what is happening on the screen
6.there are some moments of silence to add a dramatic effect any of the characters speak? yes they do they sound very serious
8.if you added ur own voiceover to the scene who would speak and what would they say
9.yes i can hear sound effects that have been added to the recording you think any of the sounds have been made louder than hey would have been in real life?yes so people can hear them clearer and so its more dramatic.

if i was to make a film 1,000 years from now it would be on mars with aliens and UFO's and people would be able to fly

31.01.22      Lo:to explore the use of mise-en-scene in films.

 mise-en-scene is made up of five areas:

1. setting & props
2. costume , hair & makeup
3. facial expressions & body language & colour
5. positioning of characters/objects within the frame

settings & locations play a important part in film making and are not just 'backgrounds'
sets are either built from scratch or a great deal of time has been spent to find the location
setting ca manipulate audience by building certain expectations

1. science fiction , i would expect to find a science lab , chemicals , explosions , high tech weapons etc..
2. a romantic comedy , i'd find in a popular location , flowers , engagement rings etc..
3. horror film , a house in the middle of no-where , weapons , damaged furniture, blood etc...

1. adventurous person , looks like an explorer and investigator.
2. cares about their appearance, drama queen..
3. scruffy, doesn't care about appearance , looks homeless.

1. awkward family dinner, silent, looks being passed around.
2. group of people surrounding , fight is going to break out, no top on cigarette in mouth and sweaty.                                                     
 there are two main types of lighting:

low-key lighting , produces sharp contrast of light and dark areas.
deep, distinct shadows/ silhouettes are formed.

high-key lighting, lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes.
produces brightly lit sets or a sunny day.


14.02.2022                                                                        LO:to experiment with foley and sound effects

in the picture i can see that that the setting is very old and fancy and the props are candles for the lighting.They are dressed like they are pirates and are wearing very formal, the colours were old so the whole theme was old and it looked western because of the reds, browns and blues they used altogether.Their facial expressions are very serious so it looks like something has been going on.

i think that the background would be in a science lab with loads of brand new technology and the props would indicate its in a lab would be white suits (for the people that were doing testing), goggles and test tubes to put DNA in. The lighting would be bright so you can see everything and because it would add to the scene.

video clip   
-video game
-draw opening
-spreading jam
-brushing teeth
-spoon tapping mug

the plan is:
open door and squeak chair
rain and tapping nails and plastic bags
water dripping and tapping pencils
walking and footsteps
turn on computer

 07.03.2022          ☺☺☺   ☺☺☺   ☺☺☺  ☺☺☺   ☺☺☺  LO:to explore the disaster movie genre

Jurassic world
A new theme park, built on the original site of Jurassic Park, creates a genetically modified hybrid dinosaur, the Indominus Rex, which escapes containment and goes on a killing spree. Twenty-two years after the original Jurassic Park failed, the new park, also known as Jurassic World, is open for business.
The RMS Titanic, a luxury steamship, sank in the early hours of April 15, 1912, off the coast of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic after sideswiping an iceberg during its maiden voyage. Of the 2,240 passengers and crew on board, more than 1,500 lost their lives in the disaster.
  skyscraper                                                                                                                                  The ending of Skyscraper showcases themes of family but Will isn't an island in the movie. His wife, Sarah (Neve Campbell), helps save the day as well. When Will defeats Kores, he and his daughter are still trapped at the top of the building with fire raging in the floors underneath them.
1. in titanic the main character was male , in jurassic world the main character was male and in skyscraper the main character was also male
2. titanic, Jurrasic world  but not skyscraper.
3. in Jurassic world there was a dinosaur attack, in titanic was natural change (when the boat sinked) and skyscraper was a natural change when there was a fire.
4.  titanic doesn't end good because the boat sinks and people die, Jurrasic world ends on a good term because they capture the dinosaurs and skyscraper ends good apart from the daughter dies in the fire. Jurrasic world ends good because the dinosaurs are put back in their places and the people are safe again and can come to the park.
5. titanic involves travel so does jurassic park because they have to follow the dinosaur to capture it skyscraper doesn't involve much travelling.
6. these films all have in common that the main character is male.
1. my main character is female her job is a police woman and her name is Lisa underwood.
2. she is on duty and gets sent to a bakery with her co-partner Gerald Patricks and goes in there unprepared for what was about to happen. This creature was in the middle of the bakery and the remains of what looked like a dog was in the middle of the floor. We were in shock but so petrified that we would be next to get swallowed whole by this enormous blue muffin monster.
3. my three characters are the muffin monster , Lindsay Foo and Linda 
 21/03/2022      ☺☺☺☺       ☺☺☺☺     ☺☺☺☺   LO:to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie
1. characters- jurassic world (two men ,female,dinosaurs)
2. settings- jurassic world (outside, nature,)
3. actions- jurassic world ( running from dinosaurs)
4. props- jurassic world ( rucksack)
5. colours- (greens,browns earthy colours)
6. narratives-
the tunnel
1. characters- man, woman-daughter
2.settings- Norway, mountains, quiet
3.actions- trapped, rescue , explosions, props vehicles
4.colours- darkness-tunnel, dull,cold
5.narrative- safety in tunnels,family, rescue.
the impossible
1. man ,woman, children ,family
2. paradise, island
3. search , fight for survival
4. destroyed buildings , wood, water
5. pretty, blue sea and water , hint of yellow.

6. tsunami hits Thailand and man is looking for his family afterwards..
my disaster movie idea
1. the disaster is that there is a blizzard and everyone gets trapped in their cars/ houses and outside the temperature goes down so low and people are unable to survive if they're outside.
2. its set in Alaska and everyone in a close radius is effected by it people can't access anything shops are closed and people are running out of food, there is no electric or hot water either.
3.colours are white, grey,dark because there is no lighting.
4.props are shovels, boots, rucksacks , candles, warm clothing.
5.message trying to show : that family's are being split up and that they are very important and that it is good to help other people when they need it.
 16.05.2022   ☺☺ script writing and storyboarding LO:to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie  
no one would've thought that a blizzard could be this bad the outside temperature was the coldest it had been in centuries. Many people got separated in this tragic incident (like me) i was lost in the midst of what seemed to be no where that i recognised it was a struggle to keep fighting since it was so cold was i going to make it?
me: (Tegan) "i need to go out i can't stand this anymore we need to find Isabelle"
brooke:"its not safe"
me: (Tegan)"but what if she gets lost!"
brooke:"you won't be able to find her one the blizzard is over till then you should stay inside, hopefully she finds someone that will take her in and she will be safe."
me: (Tegan) "i guess your right"
06.06.2022          industry
LO:to explore how a film is made and the various industry roles
2. editor 
3. writer
4.set designer
6. makeup artist
jobs i want to know more about
ADR mixer: recordists are recording engineers working in and around the film industry who specialise in re-recording dialogue in a studio setting, as well as recording the voiceover for animated films and television shows, documentaries, and video games.
cinematographer:n charge of the camera and the lighting crew. They're the person responsible for creating the look, colour, lighting, and for framing of every single shot in a film. the average salary is 65,000.
three stages of production
Pre-production: Planning, scripting & storyboarding, etc. Production: The actual shooting/recording. Post-production: Everything between production and creating the final master copy.
teaser trailer,
online adverts,

04.07.2022                                                                       LO:to create film marketing material                                                                                          

i need to add a main image, director name, credit block

18/07/2022                                                                                           lo:to create an effective trailer                             



  1. 8/11/21-5. You need to complete the shot types.

  2. 22/11- Target: 3. explain your colour and setting choices for the final task, why did you choose them and what do they suggest.

  3. 23/3- Excellent ideas so far. T 2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set

  4. 16/5- You are missing the task on the dialogue into visual and T: 2. Try to add this to a storyboard format so that you can explore the camera shots used for the scene.


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