
 16/11/2023                                                                           LO:to research the history, companies and                                                                                                                regulators in the television industry.

Television:industries and audiences


-Publicly owned tv:broadcasting which receives government subsidies and usually does not have paid advertising interrupting the show.

-commercial tv channel:the broadcasting of television programs and radio programming , funded through advertisements.

-convergence:the process by which computer devices and digitalisation of joining different technologies into one device.

-watershed:the time when TV programmes which might be unsuitable for children can be broadcast between the times of 9pm and 5:30am.

-segment market:audience divided into different groups depending on tastes and interests.

-mainstream:mass audience, the ideas attitudes or activities are shared by most people and and regarded as normal or conventional.

- self regulating:not regulated by outside bodies.

-franchise:license from company of a product to use format/show/ideas.

-channel surfing:the practice of quickly scanning through different television channels or radio frequencies to find something interesting.

-PSB: a broadcasting channel that fulfil certain requirements as part of their license to broadcast.

-tv license: a payment required in many countries for the reception of television broadcasts.

-Scheduling: what to broadcast and when, ensuring an adequate or maximum utilisation of airtime.

-conglomerate:a large company made up of lots of smaller companies.


Research task:

1.Tv was introduced in the uk in 1936.

2.In 1965 there were 3 channels.

3.Itv started in 1955 and was different because it provided competition to the BBC.

4.The uk channels that have to follow PSB remits are the BBC, the Welsh Authority, ITV, STV,  channel four and channel 5.

5.Ofcom regulate tv now.

6.In the 1960's tv was regulated by the law.

7.The differences between tv in the 60's and now are that presently its more live action.


23/11/2023        LO:to explore the ownership and regulation of BBC1 and ITV.

Television industries: ownership and regulation

-Our mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain".

1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.

2. To support learning for people of all ages.

3. To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services.

4. To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom.

5. To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world.

BBC Values:

  • AUDIENCES are at the heart of everything we do.
  • CREATIVITY is the lifeblood of our organisation.
  • TRUST is the foundation of the BBC - we’re independent, impartial and truthful.
  • We RESPECT each other - we’re kind, and we champion inclusivity.
  • We are ACCOUNTABLE and deliver work of the highest quality.
  • We are ONE BBC - we collaborate, learn and grow together.

Commercial channels

Commercial channels are funded through advertising.
Have to be profitable can do this through sponsorship, subscriptions, product placement.
Small psb remit because they are terrestrial channels.
Itv is a conglomerate, non-profit so use any profit they make they re-invest, despite being commercial.


-Love island is the most popular tv show on Itv.
-Love island is the most expensive show Itv host.


14/12/2023                                          LO:to explore how audiences consume tv dramas and the appeals.

Tv Audiences

Ways you can watch television:
-phone , i pad, laptop, computer, 
-live, recorded, catch up
- stream tv 

Time shifted- 
Second screening- Screening that encourage audiences to join discussions on various social media during a live tv show.

Theory:The active audience

Passive audiences accepts and believes everything that a media text tells them.They arre easily influenced and  don't question any messages.

Active audiences are interactive with a media text and makes its own decisions on wether to believe and accept whats being said, they question messages and interpret them.

People now are much more active as an audience compared to the 60's when tv was first introduced because there are more sources available to read from  or listen to on the radio, or search up on the internet providing people to have their own thoughts.


Scheduling is important to both BBC and also ITV. Competitive scheduling can benefit the main channels as it creates publicity.
Peak viewing times for tv are 6pm-10:30pm

The watershed:
Overseen by OFCOM is between 9pm and 5:30am.
During these hours broadcasters can show content that is not suitable for children up to the age of 15. 18 rated content cannot be shown until after 10pm .
unsuitable material includes sexual content, violence, graphic or disturbing imagery or language.

Tv Drama:
Serial tv drama is defined as any television drama that is organised into a series of episodes. Typically, a series contains between 3 and 12 episodes. A serial has a continual plot that unfolds in a sequential episode-by episode fashion 

Sub genre:
-crime drama. white house farm
-period drama.  the crown
-teen drama.  vampire diaries 
-medical drama.  greys anatomy 
-science-fiction drama.  doctor who
-fantasy drama   game of thrones 
-political drama   suits 

11/01/2024                               LO:to research the social, historical and political context of the Avengers.

 Do now:
-Elvis Presley 
-Television introduced
-Itv introduced in the 1960's 
-Rock music
-Mary quant
-Mini skirt
-England won the world cup

Five key moments from 1961-1965
-The rise of the Beatles 1963
-Launch of the sci-fi series doctor who 1963
-Civil rights movement 1964
-Computers introduced 1964
-Cordless phone 1962

-Beatles and The rolling stones.
-The labour party.
-illegal drugs were a big part of hippie culture.
-Vietnam war, cold war.
-The Vietnam war, free speech, the environment, racism, civil rights.
-birth control

The cold war
-wasn't a physical war
-there was tension between the soviet block and the western powers
-Britain was in nato a group who agreed to support each other in the face of a soviet attack

Threat of nuclear war
-soviet union and the us were building up their armies and weapons
-the cuban missile crisis took two countries to the brink of war

-a way to find out what the other side was doing and planting false information
-a number of double agents were found guilty and imprisoned 
-this was common in tv shows and movies.


18/01/2024                                                                                 LO:To research the tv show the Avengers.

The Avengers (1965)

1.ITV produced the show, later on abc aired it in America.
2.the primary audience was a mainstream adult audience and the secondary audience was older teenagers.
3.the first episode aired on the 7th of January 1961.
4. There were 6 seasons.
5. The last episode aired on the 21st of April 1969.
6.the budget for series 4 was 56,000 per episode.

-names of 2 main characters and their actors 
- this show was so popular because it was a spy/thriller with humour in and 
  was aimed for the working class audience. The fashion, new cars made the show appealing.

-Patrick Macnee (Main male character) - John Steed traditional man in those days.
-Diana Rigg (Main female character)- Emma Peel represented younger women with same status as man.
-They called her Emma Peel to appeal to men "m appeal".

-The fourth series was very different to the third series as ABC given them
 2 million pounds for the whole season.
-It was shot on film so they could get better quality scenes.

-The avengers were scheduled on a Saturday at 9:05pm which was the
 peak time to attract a mass audience. The 4th series attracted audiences around 7 million
 and was in the top 10 ratings.

-The narrative
-The characters
-How the episode shows the social and cultural context (mid 60's)
-Audience appeal
25/01/2024                                LO:to explore the narrative, characters and appeal of series 4 episode 1.

Do now:
-two main characters called Emma Peel and John Steed.
-The show was popular at the time.
-It was shot on film.
-The main character was called mother.

The Avengers: The town of no return

-Stereotype fisherman in fisherman hat and big knit jumper spotted by the seaside.
-British gentleman in suit .
-raining as it always rains in England.
-she lives in an apartment in the city higher up suggesting she is wealthy, modernised flat and modern clothing representing the younger generation and new ideas.
-Mind blowing for people at that time that she has a job as a secret agent since she is a women.
-Steed represents a stereotypical man at that time he is in charge, he won the fencing match and he hits her on the bum, representing the patriarchal society.
-sat on train with tea and John is the one setting it up instead of Emma which would be seen as unusual.
-4 agents have disappeared they are going to spy and see what is happening to them.
-stereotypical British country pub, old fashioned even for the 60's.
-stereotypical ex-army office posh pronunciation, exaggerated moustache
-gender rights, men with more power and stereotypical jobs such as black smith pub landlord etc compared to the women who are teachers.
-people stealing each others identity's
stereotypical vicar speaks about choir flock so on.
-Piggy warner is actually dead so person who introduced themselves as him is not actually him.
- men show up to the doors with guns but she is not afraid which is anti-stereotypical. 
-ex officer lying about were Emma peel has went saying she randomly left town.
-secret invasion is actually going on there is a submarine off shore shipping a dozen people over at a time secretly taking over village after village.
-Emma is driving a motorcycle with John on the back however he still corrects ger 

graphic match- shot moves and focuses on gas masks and then a skull on a gravestone.
cross cutting- cutting between two screens
extreme close up shows fear

Do now:
-there are two main characters that are spies who live in the city and go on a mission to the countryside to figure out why so many people are going missing in a small town by the seaside.
-Emma Peel and John Steed well mannered, posh, well dressed represents the older generation. Emma represents the younger generation, fashionable, objectified clothing wise, modern.
-Emma peel 'appeals' to men M appeal.
-exaggerated stereotypes to make sure people can recognise what ype of person they are and what role they play.
-cold war was going on, subtle invasion of a dozen men being imported over, this gives us insight on what was going on at the time.

The town of no return

Personal identity-Emma Peel representing the younger, more modern generation and John Steed representing the older, straight forward generation.Emma was a very inspirational character as people wanted to be like her as well as feeling like they could relate to her.

Information-The cold war was present as this was being filmed and people can recognise this in parts of the episode. Learning about the lives for secret agents and what they experience. They also learnt about the upper class and how it worked.

Entertainment-action and fight scenes, as well as humorous aspects and intrigue with the build up to what was secretly going on. Could enjoy the familiarity of the repetitive narrative each week.

Social interaction- People would be able to bond and communicate over the topic of the programme.

major concerns at the time

-Cold war the uniforms of the invading army looked like they could of been German or Russian.
-Threat of nuclear war.
-Threat of foreign invasion, people were slowly taking over, abandoned town.
-Espionage the main characters were spies based on agents, people were being impersonated.

References to ww2-the scene where Sted walks around the desserted airfield and doffs his hat to his reflection is a solute to all those involved in ww2 and reminds the audience that Britain triumphed.

Humour- when Emma and John are discussing the plan and she is using the chalk board whilst he is sat at the desk is humorous because he is like a school child.

Melodrama-exaggerated scene on the train when they stereotypically get english tea and cakes out to have whilst travelling.

Casting & performance- the fact that Emma Peel is a main character reassures the audience because if a female character can stop an invasion so can they.

Commitment to duty- They are not bothered and are confident that they will stop whatever is happening, in the fight seen Emma is stood confidently and doesn't look afraid.

Representation of the enemy- The soldiers were marching around what was the school playground, claiming their ground representing they are ready for a battle.

Social contexts such as espionage influenced The Avengers hugely because the protagonists both supported the role of being secret spies. The audience loved this because their roles created intrigue and suspense throughout all of the episodes as they would be required to go on missions and adventures showing the reality of being a spy in 1965. Threat of foreign invasion was an issue at this time and was included in the episode because it is discovered that over time a dozen people have been coming over to slowly invade the town until they gathered enough people to attack, people reacted to this 



22/02/2023                 LO:to explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract.

The Avengers: Extract analysis

-question one - analyse the extract and how one particular piece of media language
is used to create meaning.
-mise en scene 
-camera shots

-shot type, close up mid shot
-camera movement, handheld camera,

establishing shot is a wide angle shot that shows where the scene is taking place.
canted angle is where the camera is titled, mainly used to show somethings not quite right.
steadicam gives the camera a smoother movement.
focus pull is where the camera stays in the same place but you focus off something and onto something else.
shallow focus is when the foreground is in focus but everything else isn't.

3.meaning (add emotion)

Notes Avengers episode scene
-lots of camera movement following and tracking Emma Peel camera was shaky exaggerating the violence
-close up shot on weapon lying on the floor showing 
-high angle shot on the open hole in the ground before person fell in 
-long shot of the 3 antagonists walking down the stairs emphasises the danger they are in and 2 of them holding guns

Mise en scene                           costume, setting, makeup props, lighting (high key/low key) casting and  
                                                      performance style blocking, (where characters are placed in the frame

-setting- in a bar with army planes creates an atmosphere of threats of war and shows how it is very old fashioned setting compared to the m ore modernised city.

-Costume:all wearing suits dressed very smartly, Emma Peel wearing trousers subverting stereotypes of women with a turtleneck showing she is posh and has money

-cuts and transitions, green screen, shot, reverse shot, juxtaposition, non-continuity editing, cross-cutting, fast pace editing

Graphic match- cuts from one thing to another and both things are similar.
example: gas mask hanging on wall close up and shot change to skull on a gravestone, connotations of danger and death
07/03/2024                            LO: to explore extract based questions and how to answer them effectively.

Do now:
-media language that could be asked is camera work,
 sound, mise-en-scene, editing

The avengers, extract analysis

-In the background of the scene there was tense music playing. This was used to add tension and build the scene up giving the audience an idea to the type of atmosphere it was. The

-In the clip there was a graphic match which had the effect of joining two similar objects and switching from one to the other. We seen it when John Steeds moustache is lit on fire and then the clip switches to a horse shoe being burnt.

In the clip camerawork was used to create meaning through zooming in on objects such as the hammer that is being thrown into objects by the blacksmith whilst trying to hurt John Steed. This form or camerawork is used to catch the audiences eye and make sure that they are aware of what is going on.

The extract creates tension through the use of camera work. The build of scenes that are used and put together create tension looking at different aspects on what's going on. Such as the fight scene with John Steed and the blacksmith. From one angle you see the blacksmith swing for Steed and the power and force throwing around the hammer creating fear and worry for the audience who favour Steed. As well as, Steeds facial expressions showing that he is nonchalant and fearless as he knows that he has nothing to be afraid of which brings relief to the audience but also builds up the plot on wether he is going to be able to escape the blacksmith. Another thing that adds tension to the scene is setting, from the surroundings we can gather that it is a bunker that is dimly lit which gives a perfect setting to a mysterious scene that adds tension to the plot of what is going on. We can see objects such as tables


21/03/2024                 LO:to explore the context of the 2010s and the effect on tv shows and audiences

Do now
-todays society is very different compared to today because currently our attitudes are very different because we are a lot more diverse as a community. Gender representations are not as stereotypical, sexuality and multiculturalism is a lot more regular and accepting now.

Television in the 2010s
-In 2010 Britain passed the equality act meaning any discrimination between people was made illegal. Attitudes towards sexuality is far more accepting, country as a whole more multicultural 

-protests happened around this time related to racism and equality and people got very extreme views of people being racist and then other people being more liberal
-knife crime was frequent at the time

Scheduling and cuffs
-aired in October 2015 on BBC 1.
-broadcast at 8pm on a Wednesday night which was peak viewing time on that day.
-it was the only day that eastenders was not on.
-The water shed is when at 9pm when content that wasn't appropriate for children could be played (15+)
-pre-watershed , targeted an audience between 16-65.
-offered a range of characters and storylines to appeal to as many people as possible.
-storylines tend to be superficial and lack depth.

Series 1 episode 1



Do now:

PC Ryan Draper-
PC Jake Vickers- New police officer, got the job because of his dad, gay
Ds Jo Muffat-
Chief Super Robert Vickers-
DC Carl Hawkins-
DI Felix Kane-
PC Donna Prager-
PC Lino Moretti-

25/04/2024                  LO:to analyse representation and influence of social and cultural context in cuffs.
Do now:
In the cuffs episode, the police were represented well. However, members of the public do not respect them. The show represented how the police are respected on a daily basis. Officers trying to enforce the law and do their job.

Cuffs and social contexts
-more gender equality.
-class structure supposedly disappeared.

Felix hep dad find girl.

Jake vickers is represented as un-responsible. When he first joins the police team, the rest of the force think its because of his fathers role. Jake later on proves this when trying to catch someone in a getaway car but hasn't had the experience due to getting the job through the connection with his dad so then messes up and let's them get away showing he is immature. However he contradicts this when he finally steps up and proves himself when he punches the racist.

Felix, is represented as emotionally tough. He is separated from the other members of the force because he is calm and collected and works better alone. We see him in the hotel room trying to discover where the dad had taken the young girl and noticed small details helping the case.

Ryan Draper is represented with masculine and feminine qualities. A masculine trait he has is that he is respected by his peers and trusted to mentor Jake showing that he is admired and looked up to. As well as this, He is determined and focused during the car race showing that he is concentrated which is a masculine trait. Not only this but he confronts the racist criminal showing he is not afraid and won't back down representing masculine qualities. However he does share feminine qualities such as raising 3 children alone, which is not common for a man to do, as well as having emotions such as when he gets angry with Jake.

In the first episode of cuffs, we can see that ethnicities are accepted however racism does still exist in Britain. In the episode, a racist white person stabs an Indian person and kills them due to their race.
They are represented negatively in this episode to show that this sort of behaviour shouldn't be accepted. We also see a diverse range of ethnicities in the show showing that now a days .

Robert vickers is represented as part of the older generation showing that the show has a diverse range of ages. He is high up in the police force and is chief showing that he is experienced and been doing his job for a long time. Jake, who is also on the force is the youngest on the team and lacks experience.

representation of groups of people


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